
Stupa Table & Light

  • Gallery:

    Rose Uniacke, London

  • Materials:


  • Size:

    72 x 110 x110 cm (HxLxW)

Limited Edition Stupa Table & Light for Rose Uniacke, London.


Stupa Table & Light draw inspiration from the Buddhist religious monuments that stand on the rocky outcrops of Tibet. Designed to be shown together, the pair have a quiet meditative quality with the light floating just above the table. Echoing the traditional Stupas made from mud or clay, Freshwest’s Table + Light are formed from plaster and turned by hand on a giant lathe. From a distance the fine spun lines, produced by the turning, create an almost blurred outline. On closer inspection you discover sharp detail and fine delicate lines of colour. These lines, produced by cotton threads carefully wrapped into the groves and refer back to the colourful prayer flags that adorn the Buddhist monuments.